Sunday, December 11, 2011

Busy Bee

I am SO stinkin proud of myself this week.  I got so so much done.  I shipped of a load of hats EARLY... that is pretty unheard of. I made 5 out of the 10 new items I want to have in the store for this January, February and March.  Found and ordered supplies for the others!  Seriously so happy.

Since I finally had a little down time I managed to bust out some fun stuff.  I rarely ever find time to craft for myself anymore, there is always to many other things to get done.  I am sure you all know how that game goes. Anyways, I had a dinner party to go to and I really wanted to wear a pair of grey sweater leggings with my high boots.  Do you ever plan your outfit around one thing like that?  I always do!  I thought this dress (shirt??) went cute with it but it was so plain.  I had to spice it up.  Soooo, I plugged in my glue gun and gathered a bunch of cream colored scraps and pieced together this belt---

Eeek! I love it so much.  I miss wearing my own creations :) Oh yuck and please don't look too hard at the first photo... my boys are disastrous when they brush their teeth! 


my Beautiful Little Bird said...

SO lovely!!!

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